What is the Optimal time of Year to Get an Air Duct Cleaning?


Duct cleaning is an essential home maintenance task. Homeowners should hire a reliable air duct cleaning company to remove the dust, debris, mold, and insects that have accumulated in the system over time. Regular professional cleaning improves the indoor air quality, removes lingering odors, prevents mold growth, increases heating and cooling system efficiency, creates a cleaner living environment, and prolongs system life.

Best time to clean the air ducts

Most homeowners understand the importance of regular duct cleaning. However, they often ask duct cleaning experts about the right time of the year to clean the air ducts. Several factors help determine the correct air duct cleaning frequency, making it hard to recommend the best time. 

Though late spring and early fall are the most popular seasons for professional duct cleaning, it is advisable to clean the air ducts when they are dirty. An average duct system needs cleaning every three to five years. However, homeowners can go longer between professional cleanings when the system is well-maintained, and they replace the air filters regularly. Households with pets, active smokers, or construction activities going around may require more frequent duct cleanings.  

Let us look at the few reasons that make spring and fall the most popular time of the year for air duct cleaning.

Usually, homeowners should opt for duct cleaning when the air conditioner or the furnace is not in constant use. Spring and fall give technicians enough time to clean the system thoroughly without compromising the family’s comfort. It also helps prepare the heating and cooling system for the extreme summer heat or harsh winter conditions. 

Spring air duct cleaning

The moderate spring weather and open windows allow homeowners to let the professionals do the dirty work while enjoying the outdoors. People prefer spring duct cleaning for the following reasons:

  • To get rid of dust, grime, and debris accumulated during the winter months. 

  • Remove insects, rodents, and other pests that might have settled in the ductwork due to the warm environment.

  • Reduce respiratory illnesses and spring allergies by eliminating pollen and other outdoor allergens.

  • Remove pet dander and fur to mitigate allergy symptoms.

  • Enjoy improved air quality throughout summer.

Fall air duct cleaning

People spend significant time indoors as the temperatures start to drop with the arrival of the fall season. Some benefits of fall duct cleaning involve:

  • Improve furnace efficiency

  • More energy savings

  • Improve the indoor air quality for a comfortable and contaminant-free environment.

  • Eliminate mold and mildew from the ducts

  • Remove airborne particulates

Warning signs that air ducts need immediate cleaning

Here are a few symptoms of dirty air ducts that require cleaning irrespective of the time of the year:

  • Visible mold growth

  • Frequently clogging air filters

  • Increase in insects or rodent infestation

  • Unpleasant odor from ducts

  • Unusual noises in the ductwork

  • The home has undergone a major renovation or remodel

  • Dirt and debris around the vents

  • Unexplained allergies or respiratory issues

  • No record of duct cleaning in the last five years

It is not wise to confine air duct cleaning to a specific season. Instead, call a local air duct cleaning company if you feel that the air ducts are dirty and need professional cleaning.


Mr. Duct Cleaning offers air duct services, including cleaning, repair, and replacement. We provide air duct sealing, dryer vent cleaning, and furnace cleaning services, too! Our Metro Phoenix, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, and Queen Creek residential and commercial customers can call us at (480)254-5980 today!